2006 Flood Relief Work - Page 27

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Here are a couple of 'Before' and 'During' shots, taken from the position in St Clements Terrace gardens where the new 600ml twin-wall pipe will make its last change of direction at a new manhole.

The 'After' shots will be added later.
A large area of decking has been lifted and is leaning against the wall to the right of the picture.

Firstly, looking roughly south-east

Then roughly north-west (I'll check with a compass!)


Preparations for metal roadway 7/3/06



A full metal roadway is laid (in bad weather) to minimise disturbance to St Clements Terrace gardens and create better working conditions. The excavator will work backwards along this from the manhole outside 4 St Andrews Cottages to the point just behind the left-hand end of the barrier where the western stream currently dives into the old pipe system.
Anyone offering mugs of tea to the workmen is unlikely to be refused!
