Harberton Village Diary

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Every attempt is made to provide accurate information in this listing, but you are advised to confirm details with the organiser in all cases.
Please Contact Us to submit your Harberton event for inclusion.
To maintain confidentiality of most organisers' contact details (and in some cases, addresses) these will often not be included in the items listed below. Be sure to join the Harberton Village Email Circulation to always receive the latest and complete information.

Harberton Village Events Diary 2023/2024

More coming soon

Now open...
2024 Hidden Treasures Exhibition - St Andrew's Church, Harberton

The third annual exhibition is now open.

Harberton & Harbertonford History Society Programme
See www.harbertonandharbertonfordhistorysociety.org.

Regular Events

Occasional Coffee Mornings
None scheduled at present
Occasional coffee mornings take place at different houses in Harberton, mostly in aid of St Andrew's Church Fabric Fund. These are advertised locally on posters and in the Harberton Village Email Circulation.