Harberton Playing Field

Home   Camping rules   Minutes history 1959-2005
Earthworks 1995/1996   Harberton Parish Hall   Tree sponsors

Email contact for HPFA: hpfa@harbertondevon.co.uk (including any camping enquiries for Harberton youngsters)

Harberton Playing Field is an area of land originally given to Harberton Parish Council and leased for a "peppercorn" rent to, and cared for, by the Harberton Playing Field Association (HPFA), a volunteer organisation formed in 1959.

The first two photos below show views of the play equipment area (in 2001), looking east and south-east over the village, with the old Constitutional Club (now private residences) on the left. The last photo, looking north, shows part of the roughly 80 metre square levelled play area created in 1995/1996. This is probably the largest flat area for miles around!

A copper beech tree was planted in Spring 1999 in memory of Jan Goodwin, a founder member of Harberton Playing Field Association, at the request of his wife Mabel. Pictured here in Summer 2000:
