Harberton & Harbertonford Community Land Trust


Harberton & Harbertonford Community Land Trust on 01803 864413 (Nick Williams) or on www.facebook.com/groups/Hx2CLT.

Planning application submitted 20 November 2017:

Harberton & Harbertonford Community Land Trust's Open Day
Saturday 9th March 2013 10am-1pm in Harberton Parish Hall

[e-circulated 11/2/13]
"We are Harberton & Harbertonford Community Land Trust, a community interest business set up to help regenerate rural vitality by providing affordable homes for parishioners. We want your input into what amenities and use of land (in our parish) would be of interest to you. You may have received a Housing Needs Survey from Devon Rural Housing recently. This is the start of our initiative to build affordable housing, for local people, near our villages. Please return this survey, in its pre-paid envelope, by 10th March. Questions about it can be answered at our Open Day--Saturday the 9th @Harberton Parish Hall, 10am-1pm. Or by calling Nick Williams on 01803 864413. Check out our Facebook page too: www.facebook.com/groups/Hx2CLT. "

Harberton Housing Needs Survey
[e-circulated 11/2/13]
"The Parish Council and SHDC have commissioned a housing needs survey for the parish. Hopefully you will have received a brown envelope through your door recently containing the survey and a pre paid envelope to return it in. We should stress that the survey is confidential and is being undertaken by the Community Council for Devon who will collate the statistics.
Why do we need one?
We all are aware of the families where children even if they want to live locally just cannot afford local house prices. So they either move away entirely or have to rent remote to where they work.
We have a Community Land Trust in the Parish who's aim is to self build affordable homes for people who either live or work in the parish. As a community interest company that owns a share of each house it will ensure that the criteria for ownership stays the same and maintains the price making them truly affordable.
So I would everyone to take a few minutes and fill out the survey, for most people this will be only the first smaller sheet.
If you would like to become involved in the allocation of homes you will need to fill out the second more detailed sheet. Thank you in advance for undertaking this the more replies we get the more accurate the data SHDC will be able to work to gauge the real need. If you have any questions please feel free to call Nick Williams on 01803 864413 or email nickwilliams55 [at] yahoo.co.uk."

Calling all Landowners in Harberton Parish

Harberton & Harbertonford Community Land Trust
is seeking plots of land in or adjacent to our villages which could provide affordable eco-housing plus space for allotments/orchards/playspace.
Provided the site is straightforward to develop and access, we can pay a rural exception premium per plot subject to planning.
Where the landowner meets or has a family member who meets the allocation criteria, we are able to discuss providing them with a house as part of the package.

We are a group of local residents unable to afford open market homes in our own villages. The Land Society, along with South Devon College, is helping us contribute to our villages in a long-term and sustainable way. We have the broad support of the Harberton Parish Council and SHDC and have a strong mission to build local homes affordably for local people and families now, and into the future.